Steven Liew

Entrepreneur ||

I created a new portfolio with React and Three.JS!

Finally got down to it - I built my portfolio website!Leveraging the power of React and Three.js, I am happy to share that I have created a new portfolio to showcase and share my coding projects. You can probably spot the disparity between my blog and my portfolio website. This is intentional because I want to try coding in different languages and frameworks. Also because I am not a front-end developer, and probably never will be.

Micro-Reading Journey - Deepstash

Annoying Social MediaBeing a bit of a boomer-techie, I had been relying heavily on social media for news and small reads. I recently got really tired of Facebook/Instagram serving random and crappy content at me and decided to look for an alternative. That, plus the fact that I have not been able to properly read the books that I have been hoarding as a Tsundoku. I decided to explore micro-reading - chunks/summaries of all reading materials and came across Deepstash.

The follow-up post took me forever

Having blogged only via Wordpress CMS more than a decade ago, there was no way I would be pushing my blog posts (or, code technically) into Github every time I want to put a post out. This put me off for a long time. Until I decided to try Decap CMS. Decap CMSFormerly known as Netlify CMS, Decap CMS is an open source content management system that incorporates Git workflow and allows us / editors with user-friendly UI to create and publish content.

First post on the website!

It has been more than 15 years since I have last written a decent blog post. I used to run a blogging website (with this same domain, yes) on internet marketing and content creation, and also touched briefly on the technical parts of things. Life happened, many things have changed (mostly for the better), and here I am again. Frankly, I have absolutely no idea what I will be writing.